Other media

Vanja Haglund Burman


Digital art

För mig ett nytt sätt att skapa bilder. Egentligen precis som vanligt, fast bara med en enda fingertopp. De där karaktärerna. De där vyerna. Den där osäkerheten över vad det ska bli. Om det överhuvudtaget blir färdigt. Det vet jag aldrig riktigt. Det vet jag inte i detta medium heller. Jag har i detta fall ritat, målat, duttat och svept. Med ett enda finger, på en enda mobiltelefon-skärm. Jag har skapat när jag åkt buss, suttit i soffan, legat i sängen, väntat i matkön… Ja, när helst jag kunnat.


For me a new way to create images. Actually, as usual, but this time just with a single finger. Those characters. Those views. That uncertainty about what it will be. If it ever will be ready. You know, I never really know. l drew, painted, stomped, swept... With one finger on a single mobile phone screen. I have created sitting on the bus, the sofa, lying in bed, in the grocery store queue ... Yeah, whenever I could.



Grumpy figure

Käppfågel - svartfjädrad och gammal

Cane bird - black featherd and old

Skymning i fjärran

Dusk in the distance


About watercolour. I have never had the patience before. From time to time I tried, but it always ended up in me throwing the colours, brushes and paper in the wall. Angry. Rabid.

This time, I tried to see the problem 'watercolour painting' from another angle. I never understood the media. I never wanted to solve the problem. I suppose.

The stream (17 x 12 cm), watercolour

A feeling of springtime I (14 x 9 cm), watercolour

I thought it would be much more frustrating to paint with watercolour than it actually was.

It will be very interesting to see if I can make some kind of progress! Or if this is the end of the road for me.. as a watercolour painter.

Vanja Haglund Burman ©2017